The Human Body !!! | Facts About the Parts of the Human Body System!
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did you know that the human body's made
up over 100 trillion cells has 206 bones
320 pairs of muscles and 5 vital organs
it is a remarkable biological machine
with so many systems working together to
allow for life movement cognitive
function growth repair reproduction and
so much more these systems include the
central nervous system the circulatory
system the respiratory system the
digestive system the immune system the
reproductive system the skeletal
structure and musculature and the human
bodies made up of a head neck torso two
arms and two legs the average height of
an adult human is about five to six feet
the human bodies made to stand erect to
walk on two feet to use the arms to
carry and lift and has opposable thumbs
we can get able to grasp in this video
we're going to look at some of the many
systems in the human body and cover
interesting facts and information about
what they do the brain and the nervous
system the human brain is the central
command system for the whole body it's a
mass of about one hundred and eighty
billion neurons neurons have multiple
synapses that create a network of over
100 trillion connections tiny electrical
currents and chemical messengers send
information around the brain at 268
miles per hour there's enough electrical
current in your brain to power an LED
light bulb about 12 to 25 watts an adult
brain weighs about three pounds and if
you hold your fists together with your
thumbs touching that's about the size of
your brain the folds in the brain
increase its area of size a baby's brain
is nearly smooth while an adult brain
looks a lot like a walnut with lots of
little folds brain tissue needs both
oxygen and glucose to function it uses
20% of the Bloods oxygen and glucose and
brain cells begin to die after around 5
minutes of
no oxygen different parts of the brain
have different functions the main
structure in the brain are the frontal
lobe the parietal lobe the occipital
lobe the cerebellum the temporal lobe
and the brainstem the brain connects to
the rest of the body through the spinal
cord which branches out into similar and
smaller nerves throughout the body the
nervous system is the body's wiring
system it transmits messages to and from
the brain that are both a voluntary and
involuntary the involuntary messages are
things we can't control like a heartbeat
feeling pain and reflexes voluntary
messages are things we are aware of like
reaching for a pen or speaking the pins
and needles sensation happens when a
nerve is compressed and the signal is
disrupted injury to nerves can cause
permanent paralysis and numbness nerve
diseases can cause loss of memory
uncontrollable shaking a loss of feeling
muscle deterioration and seizures to
examine and measure brain structure
activity and nerve function doctors can
perform an MRI a CT or an EEG scan the
healthy brain and nervous system needs a
varied and healthy diet and lots of
vitamin b1 b9 zinc calcium magnesium and
vitamin C in particular because the
brain is over 70% water it's very
important to drink a lot of water tube
the study of the brain is called in
Neurology the heart and the circulatory
system the heart is one big pump which
is made of muscle fibers it's job is to
circulate blood around the body so that
oxygen nutrients can be delivered to the
cells carbon dioxide can be removed and
infections fought a healthy adult heart
beats around 60 to 80 beats per minute
children's heart beats are faster around
100 to 120 bpm the heart has four
chambers to pump blood the oxygenated
blood enters the right atrium then into
the right ventricle where it goes to the
once oxygenated it enters the left
atrium down into the left ventricle
and a big squeeze of the left ventricle
pushes blood into various arteries blood
is transported around the body through
blood vessels that are split into two
functions carrying oxygenated blood away
from the heart and carrying deoxygenated
blood towards the heart blood vessels
carrying oxygenated blood in order of
large to small are called the arteries
arterioles and capillaries vessels
carrying deoxygenated blood in order of
large to small applaud veins and
capillaries there are so many blood
vessels in the human body that if you
laid them out end to end they would span
60,000 miles red blood cells carry
oxygen around the body they're so small
that 2.5 million can fit on the head of
a pen
an average adult has about five quarts
of blood and the heart pumps 83 gallons
an hour or 2000 gallons every single day
it takes around 60 seconds blood to
leave the heart circulate around the
body and then return back to the heart
the heart is protected by the ribcage
and the sternum and because the heart is
a muscle
physical exercise helps to keep it
healthy and working well so you can live
heart disease is one of the biggest
killers in America every single year
eating too much fat and animal products
can cause cholesterol to build up in the
blood vessels and when a blockage occurs
it can cause a heart attack
smoking excess alcohol too much salt
drug abuse stress and high blood
pressure can all lead to heart disease
heart attack and stroke common signs of
a heart attack will include difficulty
breathing a pain in the left arm a
heaviness on the chest flu-like symptoms
sudden pain in the chest or turning blue
both anxiety and acid reflux can
sometimes feel like a heart attack but
you should always call emergency
services if someone thinks they're
having a heart attack the study of the
heart is called cardiology the lungs and
respiratory system
the function of the lungs is to exchange
oxygen from the air to the bloodstream
when you breathe in and carbon dioxide
from the bloodstream to the air when you
breathe out humans have two lungs side
by side but they're not the same size
the left lung is slightly smaller to
make room for your heart each lung is
divided into lobes
the right lung has three lobes and the
left lung to when breathing air enters
the respiratory system through the nose
or mouth paired in the nose and mucus in
the sinuses trap dust and germs and as
air travels down the trachea is warmed
and moistened the trachea branches into
left and right bronchi each bronchus
branches into smaller and smaller
bronchi bronchioles and finally into
alveoli pair of lungs weighs 2.9 pounds
they have a spongy structure for a lot
of surface area for gas exchange when
laid out flat that cover an entire
tennis court the lungs can't expand and
contract on their own this movement is
controlled by the diaphragm under the
ribcage and the muscles between the ribs
the lung capacity will depend on a
personal size fitness and even the
altitude where they are on the earth an
average adult male has a 1.5 gallon lung
capacity most adults breathe 12 to 20
times per minute which amounts to
thousand nine hundred gallons of air per
day an average person could hold their
breath for about two minutes the
epiglottis is a flap that protects the
lungs from food and liquid when we
swallow coughing and sneezing is the
respiratory systems mechanism for
getting rid of irritants like dust and
pollen asthma is a respiratory condition
where the Airways constrict as a result
of an irritant and breathing can become
very difficult a person is still able to
live with only one lung but their
ability to do physical exercise is
limited because the lungs are the only
organs that exchange oxygen and carbon
dioxide is very important to keep them
healthy and clean smoking in air
pollution damages lung tissue and leads
to lung diseases like cancer and
emphysema the study of lungs is called
the digestive system the purpose of the
digestive system is to break down food
into components the body can use like
glucose for energy protein for building
and repairing cells and extracting
vitamins minerals and amino acids a cell
function the digestive system begins
with the mouth where teeth mash food the
tongue moves it around and saliva
lubricates there and begins digestion
upon swallowing food travels down the
esophagus and into the stomach where
acid kills bacteria and breaks down food
further the liquid food then enters a
small intestine where the acid is
neutralized and enzymes break down fat
protein and carbohydrates for absorption
by tiny hairs called villi after
traveling through 20 feet of small
intestine through passes into the large
intestine or colon where water is
absorbed in bacteria very extract and
manufacture important vitamins a colon
is around 5 feet long the final stop is
directon where in the adjustable food
matter and gas are passed through the
anus as feces and flatulence the study
of the digestive system is called
gastroenterology the stomach the stomach
is a muscular sac with hydrochloric acid
to protect yourself from the acid it has
a mucous lining an adult stomach can
hold not 0.5 gallons of food and liquid
and there are nerves in the stomach that
tell your brain when it's empty or when
it's full vomiting is the body's way of
rejecting food and liquid that is bad
for the stomach the small intestine
after leaving the stomach partially
digested food called chyme enters the
small intestine the small intestine is
16 to 20 feet long in an adult human
it's called small because it is narrow
about the thickness of your thumb in the
small intestine the gallbladder secretes
gall to break down fats and the pancreas
secretes insulin to manage blood sugar
levels inside the small intestine
millions of tiny hairs called villi
increase the surface area so that
nutrients can be absorbed into the
bloodstream food moves along the
intestine through
like contractions called peristalsis
celiac disease is a condition of the
small intestine the large intestine the
large intestine or colon is about five
feet in length and it's called large
because it's wider than a small
intestine digestion creates up to 1.3
gallons of fluid and the main job of the
colon is to reabsorb most of this fluid
so things move slowly they can take 18
to 24 hours for food to leave your
digestive system the large intestine
hosts billions of beneficial bacteria
called gut flora or the microbiome they
manufacture and extract certain vitamins
in fermentation by the gut bacteria
creates gas fiber is very important for
a healthy gut diseases and disorders of
the colon include irritable bowel
syndrome and colon cancer the immune
system the human immune system is the
military of the body it's comprised of
white blood cells and antibodies these
seek out and destroy foreign bodies
including viruses bacteria parasites
fungi and abnormal cells white blood
cells are created in bone marrow and
carried in the blood and lymphatic
system a single drop of blood can have
25,000 white blood cells when white
blood cells attack they envelope the
pathogen and destroy it the remains are
carried away into the lymph system the
immune system is able to remember
infections and fight them off better
through antibodies vaccines work by
stimulating the immune system to create
antibodies for specific disease by polio
or measles without actually getting it
the person is then protected against
that disease it's important to get
vaccines even if the disease is no
longer common because of the herd
immunity effect which is a form of
immunity that occurs when the
vaccination of a significant portion of
a population or herd provides a measure
of protection for individuals who have
not developed immunity stress smoking
lack of sleep poor diet and diseases
like HIV and AIDS can weaken the immune
system making you vulnerable to
allergies and allergic reactions are
false alarm and the result of an
overactive immune system allergic
reactions can cause anaphylactic shock
and swelling where a person can't
breathe autoimmune diseases like lupus
mean that the immune system attacks his
own body and not just the germs being
too clean isn't always a good thing
without germs to develop antibodies the
immune system doesn't develop or learn
what's harmful and what's not the study
of the immune system is called
immunology the reproductive system the
reproductive systems function is to
create new life so that genes can be
passed along to future generations a
woman's reproductive organs include a
pair of ovaries that form eggs and the
uterus where our baby Jia States until
it's ready to be born a man's
reproductive system includes the testes
where sperm is formed and a penis for
delivering sperm into the uterus when an
egg and sperm cell fused as a result of
sexual intercourse conception occurs and
the baby begins to grow the gestation
period for a human baby is 40 weeks or
nine months and during which it grows
from a few cells into a fully formed
baby humans can reach reproductive age
at around 13 years old with good
nutrition puberty is arriving sooner
with every generation a woman produces
one egg every 28 days if it's not
fertilized menstruation sheds the
uterine lining a man's ejaculate can
have as many as 300 million sperm cells
sexually transmitted diseases include
hiv/aids chlamydia syphilis and HPV
which can cause cervical cancer the most
common cancers of the reproductive
organs include ovarian and cervical
cancer and women and testicular and
prostate cancer in men the study of
women's reproductive organs is called
gynecology and the study of men's
reproductive organs is called andrology
the skeleton humans are vertebrates
meaning they have a backbone or a spinal
column an adult skeleton has 206 bones a
baby has 300 bones of
and some fuse together as they grow half
of these bones are in your hands and
feet the largest and strongest bone in
the body is the femur and the smallest
bones are in the middle ear where bones
meet is a cushion of cartilage bones are
held together by tough ligaments bones
consists of hard bone which gives
structure spongy bone which is still
hard but has more air pockets and bone
marrow where blood and stem cells are
produced a healthy human bone come with
stands three times your body weight in
force arm and leg fractures and breaks
are more common in growing children
because the growth plates there are
vulnerable when a bone fractures or
breaks is able to repair itself special
bone cells will surround the injury
former callous breakdown the injured
bone and replace their even healthy
bones are continually maintained by the
body bone is made mostly of calcium for
strength and collagen for flexibility
which is why it's important to eat lots
of green leafy vegetables an adult
reaches their full height in their 20s
and maximum bone density in their 30s we
can view the bones of a human body by
using an x-ray diseases of the bone
include osteoporosis and arthritis and
the study of burns is called osteology
muscles the human body is incredibly
flexible unable to move in thousands of
ways all thanks to 320 pairs of skeletal
muscles muscles are made where muscle
proteins form strands of muscle fiber
these then form bundles which make up
largest skeletal muscles skeletal
muscles occur in pairs when one muscle
group contracts the opposing pair
relaxes for example to raise your
forearm your bicep contracts and your
tricep relaxes bones can't move by
themselves that's the work of your
muscles where ligaments connect bones to
each other tendons connect muscle to
burn electrical signals which are
carried by nerves to and from the brain
will instruct your muscles on how to
contract or relax the muscles are
responsible for creating body heat they
twitch so slightly you don't even feel
this generates enough heat for
metabolism your muscles are built and
repaired when tiny tears in the muscle
fiber are filled in with new muscle
cells and the muscle needs oxygen and
glucose to function and protein to
repair and regenerate the body has three
kinds of muscle skeletal for movement
cardiac for the heart and smooth for the
digestive system around 40 percent of a
person's weight is comprised of their
muscle mass is also denser than fat
which is why two people at the same size
can have different weights the largest
muscle in the body is the gluteus
maximus and your jaw muscles are the
strongest they can exert 200 pounds of
force the study of muscles is called my
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